Looking to get your greens in while enjoying a healthy buzz? Try the Green Goddess, a vibrant cocktail created by Brian Evans, head bartender at Sunday in Brooklyn. Inspired by Spain’s tonic-drinking culture, this drink strikes a perfect balance of bright, herbal and citrus flavors that will surprise and delight.
At first glance, the addition of celery might raise some eyebrows, but trust us—it’s not overpowering! Instead, it brings a refreshing herbal note that complements the drink’s other ingredients, enhancing the overall flavor without dominating.
Tart lime pairs beautifully with Lillet Blanc and Tequila Blanco in this cocktail, creating a smooth, aromatic complexity. Tonic water adds a gentle quinine bitterness and light effervescence, making the Green Goddess both fresh and satisfying. The result is reminiscent of a margarita, but with a unique herbal twist.